Harvard Medical School
Ranked the best research medical school in the United States for 23 consecutive years by U.S. News & World Report, Harvard Medical School also was ranked the best medical school for internal, or adult, medicine in 2012. I graduated in 2002 and while there served as my Harvard Medical School class community service chair.

Brigham and Women's Residency
Brigham and Women's is an affiliate hopsital of Harvard Medical School and is considered one of the top ten residency programs in the country. I did both my medical internship and residency there. I specialized in adult medicine outside the hospital, which is exactly the type of medicine I practice now.

Harvard School of Public Health
I received a Masters of Public Health from Harvard, with a concentration in Occupational and Environmental Health. This training provides excellent background for Wellness work and issues that face employees in the workplace.

Princeton University Undergraduate
In 1997 I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, from Princeton University. While there I studied at the School of Public and International Affairs. I served on the Student Volunteers Council all eight semesters and played tennis. I also met my future husband, who grew up in Bennington, Vermont, at Princeton.

Truman Scholar
I was selected in 1996 as one of the nation's 60 Truman Scholars by the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation, which is currently headed by Madeleine Albright. Scholars are selected based on their demonstrated leadership potential, commitment to public service, and academic excellence.
Read about the the importance of ongoing training.