The Problem
"The healthcare problem is the No. 1 problem of America and of American business. It's the tapeworm, essentially, of the American economy, and we have not dealt with that yet... in terms of cost, it's going to require a huge change." - Warren E. Buffett, fairly talented businessman
There was a time when businesses in Vermont were able to absorb 7%, 12%, even 20% yearly health care cost increases. The overall amount spent was smaller, so the percentage increase was not as significant. Those days are over: health care is often the second largest expense a business faces. Now, an increase like those above threatens the very survival of your organization.
Here's the irony: the most efficient part of the health care system, the internal medicine doctor, receives less than 7% of the money you pay in premiums. The rest is applied elsewhere, steered by a massively convoluted, complex series of regulations, lobbyist-written programs, and inefficient incentives. Little is applied to wellness or prevention. It's getting difficult, after all this expense, for employees just to see their doctor.
Today Vermont businesses are either dying or cannot grow because of this tapeworm. And while lots of "solutions" have been bandied about, they all have a gaping problem: they don't change the fundamentals. Buffett said "huge change" for a reason.
The solution
Businesses and their employees know the problem is massive, and they are skeptical that the unproven proposed system changes will work. So what is to be done? Well, I suggest you take the simple route: copy something that is working.
"If your access to health care involves your leaving work and driving somewhere and parking and waiting for a long time, that's not going to promote healthiness." -Larry Page, Founder and CEO of Google
West-coast technology firms are taking the problem into their own hands, and the doctors into their own buildings. I am introducing this innovation to Vermont, specifically the Lake Champlain region. For certain area businesses, I will come to your office and take care of your employees on site as your concierge doctor. Payment is simple: I am paid for this service by you. Your return is also simple: it's large.
I will reduce your dependence on large, costly health systems. This is huge change.